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  • Matthew Fehr

West Valley College Looking to Expand Campus Dining Options

West Valley College is looking to expand on-campus dining options for students, although planning is still in the early stages. The administration’s goal is to introduce two or three new food service providers, which will be located in the Campus Center.

In an interview I conducted with West Valley-Mission Community College District Chancellor Bradley Davis, he said to imagine something similar to what San Jose State University provides for its students.

 “You walk into San Jose State, they have a Panda Express, they have a Taco Bell, they have a market cafe. You know, just a lot more options for students,” he told me. “I’d like students to walk into the cafeterias and be like, ‘oh, this looks amazing, this is great!’”

The recent addition of the automated Blendid smoothie machine in the cafeteria last semester is an early indication of this new vision for West Valley and Mission Colleges, but it's only the beginning. The installation of vending machines around campus is under consideration, and the space previously occupied by the bookstore—which has been moved online—could potentially be repurposed for food service in the future.

Students will have the opportunity to provide feedback on which establishments they would like to see through a future survey, which will likely include around a dozen options to choose from. “We’re going to try to do our best to put our finger on the pulse of student demand,” Chancellor Davis said, stressing the importance of working closely with the student body throughout the process. 

Importantly, Chancellor Davis noted, the existing cafeteria will remain an option for students. So don't worry—West Valley College’s highly coveted breakfast burritos are here to stay, even after more dining options become available. 

Athletic events could also see food service down the line, “primarily the softball and baseball fields, which are equipped to have food service there,” Davis said. “There’s something nice about being able to see your colleagues, your fellow students play in such a beautiful facility, and it’s nice to have a hotdog and a Coke or what have you while you’re doing that.”

While the addition of restaurants is still several years away, other improvements can be seen taking shape around campus everyday. Construction and renovation of the library continues to progress, and West Valley’s state-of-the-art Valhalla Park recently held its grand opening. Even more exciting projects are in the planning and design phase, including a Wellness Center that could include fitness equipment, an indoor pool, and even a rock climbing wall.



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