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  • Matthew Fehr

The ASWVC Election Results

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

The annual elections to determine who will fill the soon-to-be vacated Executive Board for the Associated Students of West Valley College (ASWVC) took place last week, with all positions up for grabs. ASWVC President, Vice President, Student Trustee, and Directors of Finance, Marketing, Records, Student Engagement, External Operations, and Club Relations were all on the ballot, although candidates for several positions ran uncontested. Three hundred and fifty-six people voted in the election, more than tripling last year’s election.

Amy Nguyen will be the next President of the ASWVC, earning 40.56% of the vote. Her responsibilities, among many others, will include acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the ASWVC, representing the body at West Valley-Mission District Council and District Board of Trustee Meetings, and attending Student Senate for California Community Colleges meetings.

The Vice-President elect, Ria De, won with 38.33% of the vote. Along with performing the duties of the President should they be absent, she will also serve as the Chairperson of the ASWVC Senate.

Melanie Ho won the election for Student Trustee with 47.22% of the vote, and will be responsible for attending West Valley-Mission Community College District Board of Trustees meetings and informing the ASWVC of actions they take.

Next year’s Directors of Finance, Marketing, Student Engagement, External Operations, and Club Relations will be Katerina Press, Tiffany Cho, Hana Ben-Dashan, Meera Chavan, and Lucas Vincenot, respectively. No candidates ran for Director of Records. More detailed and complete descriptions of the responsibilities of the Executive Board are outlined in the Bylaws and Constitution of ASWVC, which can be found on the Student Government page of the West Valley College website.

Senators are not elected, and any student who wishes to serve on the ASWVC Senate may do so after attending two ASWVC meetings as a member of the public and passing a parliamentary procedure test. ASWVC Senate meetings occur every Tuesday at 3:45 P.M. in the Campus Center Baltic Room and on Zoom during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Attached to this article are this election's ballot statistics:



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