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  • Yaoci Gamboa

How College Advantage and Middle College Benefit High School Students

Would high school students want to take college level classes? What would they feel taking these classes?

The Middle College and College Advantage programs provide high school students with the opportunity to attend West Valley College. They get to immerse themselves in the college environment, take college level classes, and utilize on campus resources. Middle College students, who are high school juniors and seniors, get to attend college classes while having high-school level English and History, allowing them to connect with their peers. College Advantage, a program offered to high school seniors, allows students to attend all their classes at the college level. So if you are in class, chances are there are College Advantage or Middle College students there with you. While these programs are very significant, many students do not even know these programs exist. I was in Middle College last year and I am currently in College Advantage, so I wanted to bring more visibility to the high school students at West Valley! I conducted interviews with students in both programs to hear their perspectives and experiences.

What made you want to join College Advantage/Middle College?

Jackie (College Advantage): I joined College Advantage because the program allows for more flexibility in my schedule. It also gave me the opportunity for different classes from high school, which helped me find out what I wanted to major in.

Elena (College Advantage): I wanted more independence and flexibility in my schedule. It’s nice to have control over when I have class.

Brooke (Middle College Senior): I needed a change of scenery for my mental health and my brain. I also loved the idea of being able to take a wide range of classes.

Eliana (Middle College Senior): The main reason I wanted to join middle college is because I don’t do well in traditional environments. [High school] wasn’t working for me. But middle college changed all of that! The flexibility of the curriculum lets me learn at my own pace…I was always an independent student, and going into middle college really helped me do that. I was able to have time for jobs, passions, internships, and family responsibilities without having the stress of a strict highschool regime. It's amazing — a lot of my friends have noted that I’m happier, much more confident…If it wasn’t for this program, I would still be struggling in the one-size-fits-all highschool educational structure.

How would you describe your experience in College Advantage/Middle College?

Jackie (College Advantage): My experience in College Advantage is less rigid than a uniform high school experience and I am more independent. I have more time to enjoy the things I want to do, like extracurriculars, hobbies, and spending time on college or job applications.

Elena (College Advantage): I would say the biggest culture shock between high school and West Valley would be how I’m treated as a person/student. I feel a lot more respected here. The professors understand that I have a life outside of school.

Brooke (Middle College): Amazing and fun! Mr. Hancock has helped with my writing and I have connected to so many people.

Eliana (Middle College): Really freeing! I can do whatever I wish, and however I wish to do it, which is amazing!

What do you like most about the program?

Jackie (College Advantage): I like how I am aware of West Valley and how its system works because of Middle College. I have choices over picking my class times, teacher, and type of class. I also have a support system in the counselors which I think is very nice.

Elena (College Advantage): Definitely taking college courses! I love taking more niche courses that cover a specific section of material in depth rather than rush a lot of information. AP Euro, for example, was a difficult and stressful class. But taking a history class at West Valley is so much more relaxed.

Brooke (Middle College): The flexibility in my schedule, and the ability to take certain classes when I want. For example, the time and the class.

Eliana (Middle College): I like the freedom of the schedule, along with the more vigorous coursework - I’m the type of person who likes to be challenged, likes to be busy, and so this busy coursework helps me stay on top of things, which is great! The fact that we also get to complete some college classes along the way is also great — I can probably graduate from my four-year course a little early!

What would you say are some struggles you face as a high school student?

Jackie (College Advantage): Although College Advantage gives me a lot of freedom, I feel that I have less of a social life, because I’m not the most social person and am pretty introverted. I don’t have many friends in my classes so I need time to see my other friends outside of class, which sometimes doesn’t align with their schedules.

Elena (College Advantage): Probably the social life. West Valley students are generally pretty kind, and I’ve made a few friends — but I definitely do miss that social interaction with kids my own age. I think it would be nice to have more events with the college advantage kids, sort of to bond us as a group.

Brooke (Middle College): Issues with learning about events at my home high school since I’m at West Valley full time.

What advice would you give to other College Advantage/Middle College students?

Jackie (College Advantage): I would say to manage your time wisely and don’t burn yourself out. It’s okay to take it slow and always talk to someone if you need help. I would also say to take advantage of the freedom you have and be productive in your spare time, even if it’s just continuing a hobby that you have.

Elena (College Advantage): Choose your classes wisely! Some courses are only offered in certain seasons, especially honors. It’s helpful to have a plan for all your semesters here, and prioritize getting your requirements out of the way.

Brooke (Middle College): Keep a planner and do not hesitate to go to your professors’ office hours or even ask your counselors for help.

Eliana (Middle College): Be careful — don’t slack at all! This isn’t high school. And, make sure to make friends! Don’t be shy — if you can’t find a community, create one!

These programs are especially important for high school students, both for academic success and personal growth. However, Middle College and College Advantage are not well known, both at participating high schools and on-campus at West Valley. High school students have important perspectives and bring a lot to West Valley. You can see many Middle College and College Advantage students in classes and participating in clubs! These programs are a good alternative to the rigid high school structure while preparing students for success in college. This is especially important so high school students can feel prepared for their goals in higher education and learn life skills.


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